Giving Baby Food for Busy Projects

Baby food makes super convenient, delicious, and healthy snacks for dogs! It makes a perfect busy project, something to give your dog to keep them occupied and having fun.


Why Baby Food is Great

It’s Convenient

You can grab it at almost any store, store it in your cabinet for as long as you need, and then it’s ready to go to give to your dog with no prep needed.

It’s Healthy

Baby food has limited ingredients, which makes it easy to read the label and ensure that it’s safe for your dog. It also means it works well for dogs with sensitive bellies or dietary restrictions.

It is also much less rich than many dog treat options, which means you don’t have to worry as much about overdoing it and giving your dog an upset belly or an unbalanced diet.

Which Types of Baby Food Are Best

Giving Baby Food to Dogs

The Standard, Pureed Baby Food

I like to get the ones in plastic tubs, which have a better unit price and more variety than the glass jars.

I look for 1st or 2nd foods with just a few ingredients. The foods for older babies can have more spices and less healthy ingredients.

Baby Yogurt for Dogs

Baby Yogurt

Gerber makes some cool, shelf stable ones that are great for times when you can’t refrigerate, like on trips.

My favorites are from Stonyfield. They are a great serving size for my dogs and have a good variety of flavors.

Baby Cereal


I discovered these when Gracie had an upset stomach and needed a bland diet while we were on a camping trip. They are a great way to give a busy project without adding much protein, fat, or junk food, all of which can upset Gracie’s stomach in large quantities.

I like to make it with chicken broth or mix in an extra treat of some kind to add a little flavor.

How I Give It to My Dogs

Frozen, Directly in the Container

I know that Gracie and Kona don’t ingest paper or plastic, so I’m able to give them baby food tubs or yogurts in the containers they come in.

It’s so convenient! I keep a stash in my freezer.

Pro Tip: If your dog is clever and will figure out how to get the food out of the container to eat it faster rather than slowly licking it out, leaving the top partially on can help minimize this.


In a Food Puzzle Toy

I like to use Lickimats, Kongs, and Toppls for this. Sometimes I will freeze them, but often I will just quickly smear the food in and give it as it. It’s great for times when I need something to distract my dogs but don’t have much time to put it together.

Pro Tip: Since pureed baby food tends to be runnier than peanut butter or dog food, you can’t put too much inside a Kong or it will run out the little hole at the top. If I’m planning to fill a puzzle rather than give it a light smear, I prefer the West Paw Toppls.

Ask Your Vet

I’m not a vet or a nutritionist. So, if you aren’t sure about what foods are ok for your dog or are safe for dogs in general, definitely talk to a professional before trying any of these ideas. Buying human food for dogs definitely requires a bit of expertise.

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