Outward Hound Fun Feeder Review


We are reviewing one of our favorites, the Outward Hound Fun Feeder. This is a super versatile slow bowl/food puzzle that makes a great first puzzle feeder purchase and is also great for more puzzle-savvy dogs as well! We give this food puzzle a perfect 5 out of 5 stars!

If you’re new to food puzzles or want pointers on using them, check out our What are Food Puzzles? article for a primer on these amazing toys!


What We Love about the Fun Feeder

1.         It’s super quick to fill.

2.       It’s dishwasher safe. We recommend loading it vertically in the bottom rack, like so to keep the bottom from filling with water.

3.       The grippy rubber bottom keeps it in place while your dog eats so your hardwood floors and furniture are safe from spills and scuffs.

4.       Your dog can see the food clearly, so they are motivated to keep trying, even if it gets hard. This is important because you want your dog to learn to solve it on their own without giving up and turning to you for help.

5.       You can fill it a bunch of different ways, so it will stay interesting for your dog. That’s great as your dog gets better at solving it or if you don’t own many other puzzles to rotate each day.

6.       Fun Feeders are solved differently than many other puzzles, so it adds variety.

7.        They’re also great for dogs on specific diets because you can put canned food, anything moist or sticky, and supplements in it.

The Drawback of Fun Feeders

The only con we see with Fun Feeders is that if you are feeding just dry food, they are faster to solve than most other puzzles, so your dog won’t get quite as much fun and you won’t be able to occupy them quite as long. But, smearing something moist along the sides can solve this for you!

Fun Feeder Stuffing Recipes

Since one of the stand out features of the Fun Feeder is that you can put anything you want into it, here are a few recipes to try.

1.         The Lucky Charms: Kibble with chicken, carrots, etc. mixed in. This is a great way to add extra motivation for your dog’s first time solving a food puzzle. Adding veggies is a great way to add substance without many calories for dogs on a diet.

2.       The Doggie Stew: Kibble with warm-ish water. Perfect for cold winter mornings. Just make sure the water isn’t too hot before you give it to them!

3.       The Elvis: Smear peanut butter inside the Fun Feeder and top with kibble and bananas. You can choose anything you want to smear.

4.       The Fro-Yo: Freeze yogurt in the bottom of the puzzle before adding kibble. It takes about an hour for a thin layer of yogurt to freeze. Just make sure your dog has had some practice with this puzzle before giving them this tough challenge!

Wrap Up of Our Fun Feeder Review

All this convenience and versatility are what earned the Fun Feeder a perfect 5-star rating. The Fun Feeder is a durable toy that is easy for humans and dogs and offers more feeding flexibility than just about any other puzzles. It’s great for just about anyone!

We’re so glad that you are looking to add fun to your dog’s mealtimes! If you want to buy an Outward Hound Fun Feeder, you can check them out here.
